Two reasons to get a mobility scooter for your bookshop

If you're a bookshop owner, you should invest in a mobility scooter for your shop. Read on to learn why.

Customers with reduced mobility may get injured in your bookshop if it doesn't have this equipment

If you choose not to get this equipment for your bookshop, any customers of yours who are not fully able-bodied may be more likely to be injured on the premises than if you did give them access to this equipment. Many of the people who utilise mobility scooters whilst they shop are not completely wheelchair-bound and can walk for short periods when it is necessary. However, they usually have some issues with their joints, back or legs that make it hard for them to walk quickly or safely.

As such, if people like this want to peruse your bookshop and it doesn't have a mobility scooter, they'll have no other choice but to explore it on foot, and they may find that, for example, their legs give way or their back goes into spasm whilst they're trying to walk around. This could lead to them collapsing and hurting themselves after landing on the floor or it might result in them falling into one of the shop's freestanding book displays or its bookshelves, and being hurt because of this. Repeated incidents of this nature could lead to lawsuits, damage to your bookshop's reputation and lead to profit losses due to product damage. When you consider these potential ramifications of not having this equipment on hand, it is clear that buying this equipment for your bookshop could be a very sound investment.

It could allow those with reduced mobility to have more comfortable shopping experiences

By offering this mobility equipment to your customers who need it, you'll be providing these people with a more comfortable shopping experience than they would have if you didn't offer this equipment. This is particularly important in a bookshop, where most customers like to spend quite a bit of time reading the blurbs on the back cover of books as well as perhaps scanning the first few paragraphs of books before they decide if they should buy them.

If a person who isn't fully able-bodied comes into your bookshop and is given a mobility scooter to use whilst they scan the bookshelves, they'll feel physically comfortable enough to take their time, read the backs of the book covers and choose to buy a book that intrigues them. In contrast, if a person like this has to walk around your bookshop in pain because the shop doesn't have any mobility equipment, they might be too distracted by their physical discomfort to read for more than a few minutes, before they need to leave and find somewhere to rest. This may not only make for a disappointing shopping experience but would also result in you missing out on making a sale. As such, if you want to ensure that all of your customers can have a comfortable shopping experience, you should consider getting this equipment for your bookshop.

For more information on a mobility scooter, contact a company near you.
