3 Things You Can Sell in a Metal Recycling Centre

Reusing metallic products is one of the best ways of caring for the environment and practising energy efficiency. When metal waste is thrown into dumping sites, it creates an eyesore because the metal waste does not decompose. This also means that it is difficult to use such land for any productive purposes such as farming. Moreover, pieces of metal can cause injuries through cuts and result in serious infections. The good thing is that you can reuse metals to keep it from accumulating in dumping sites where it poses both environmental and health hazards. A good way to do this is to set up a recycling business enterprise that uses metal waste to make useful consumer products. If you are looking to start a metal recycling business, here are some of the useful products that you can make for sale:

Aluminium Cans 

Metal aluminium waste can be recycled into cans used for preserving a wide range of drinks such as beer and carbonated drinks. The process begins with cutting and ironing the aluminium waste to make thin sheets. Drawings are then made on the thin, large aluminium sheets according to the size of the cans that you are making. They are then trimmed, folded, cleaned and decorated with a shiny outer surface that doesn't require further finishing. With cans, you can target many clientele engaged in the sale of carbonated drinks. They use them for preserving the drinks.

Electric Wires

Electrical wires are also another product that you can sell from your recycling centre. Here, you can make electrical wires from old copper materials. Copper is easy to recognise from most metals. In good condition, it is reddish brown. However, it develops a dark brown shade with green patches in cases where the material has been used for too long. Besides these physical attributes, you can also use a magnetic test. Being a non-ferrous metal, copper is not attracted to a magnet. Sources of scrap copper include old gutters and plumbing pipes used in many buildings. They can be cut, heated and moulded into electrical wires for sale.  

Steel Cans

Unlike aluminium cans used to for preserving carbonated drinks, steel cans are used to package and preserve food such as green beans. You will have to use a thin coating of tin inside the can to preserve the flavour of the food and keep the can from corroding. Reusable steel comes in the form of motors, tools, nails, beams and roofing materials that are no longer in use.
